This project’s main goal is to study and characterize the new HPC workload, represented by a set of scientific applications that are important to the LNCC because they are representative of its Santos Dumont machine’s workload. This generated knowledge will guide the proposal of monitoring and profiling techniques for applications, and the design of new coordination mechanisms to arbitrate resources in HPC environments.
We are interested in evaluating and improving individual applications’ performance, but also on using this study to provide a better understanding of how performance is impacted by aspects such as interference. Moreover, we want to identify metrics that can be used to predict performance and deviations from the applications’ expected behaviors, specially at run time.
Authors : Ocaña, K.A.C.S.; Galheigo, M.; Osthoff, C.; Gadelha, L.M.R.; Porto, F.; Gomes, A. T.; De Oliveira, D.; Vasconcelos, A. T.
Authors : Ferro, Mariza; Klôh Vinicius P; Gritz, Matheus; De Sá, Vitor; Schulze, Bruno